Revisiting Audience Choice Finalist Winner Documentary ‘Transition’ and in Conversation with the Director: Annant Gaur

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“How are things different for you here?”, “Is this available in your country?”, “How do you deal with this change around you?”, these are just few of the many questions asked more often to International Students pursuing their further studies in United States. Annant Gaur writer and director of Official FusionFilm Festival 2018 documentary Transition states that his project was meant to sum up answers to all such questions for people who often wonder how culture shock can have an effect on different students in different ways respective of the place they come from for the purpose of pursuing their further studies.


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The 2018 Global Peace Film Festival Audience Choice Award Finalist film puts five international students experience juxtaposed right next to each other. For one the experience has been totally favorable, however for the other it hasn’t been as much. For one it is bipolar in nature and for the other it is making him strong and independent. Annant was overwhelmed by the audience response of sudden silence and sudden bursts of laugh in the moments where he himself thought would be amusing to see their reaction to the answers of these five Subjects.
Annant Gaur comes from New Delhi, India and hence he was going through a culture shock himself. “My DP Gary B Williams, made this complete process really achievable for us. You see the key is to make them totally forget about the camera and just let them be natural. We shot the interview sessions individually and for the get together moment, all of the footage was captured as they were celebrating cheerful memories of their homeland over the regional delicious food from their country.”
Culture shock existed back then two years ago and it still does as always will. If it can be somehow brought towards mass audience then it should.


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Annant is currently pre-producing his next project which shall serve as the sequel to Transition but will deal with the transition faced by people in their daily lives during and post Covid 19. “I love to capture raw emotions and to take your subject in documentary to the length where things portray reality and vulnerable emotions is how one can express these emotions through Art”. The 2018 FusionFest Grand Prize Finalist explored the culture shock of international students and the sense of community they created in Orlando.
Annant has worked as an Art Director in his latest sci fi dark comedy project which is set to release on Jan 2021. Looking back on Transition can teach us a lesson in the hard times we are experiencing. The things that keeps us going are the relationships we make and the memories that we keep. In these hard times, even though we have to keep our distance, we should all strive to keep our community intact.


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